Books & Toys for Kindergartners

Lack of Books and Toys

The Valalai AMTM school has a kindergarten class. These students come from very poor backgrounds and don’t have any entertainment at home or school. When we asked the kindergarten teachers what is most important for their students they said simple reading/picture books and toys for the small students to play with during recess.

Our Story

Peer 2 Peer used funds to buy toys and reading books for these students. Peer 2 Peer bought simple Lego sets, cooking sets, simple board games, and fun picture books. The books and toys immediately lit up the faces of the students and made their school experience more enjoyable. These purchases motivate the students to come to school.

Lack of Books and Toys

The Valalai AMTM school has a kindergarten class. These students come from very poor backgrounds and don’t have any entertainment at home or school. When we asked the kindergarten teachers what is most important for their students they said simple reading/picture books and toys for the small students to play with during recess.

Our Story

Peer 2 Peer used funds to buy toys and reading books for these students. Peer 2 Peer bought simple Lego sets, cooking sets, simple board games, and fun picture books. The books and toys immediately lit up the faces of the students and made their school experience more enjoyable. These purchases motivate the students to come to school.