Crowded Classroom
The Valalai AMTM School currently teaches grades 1 through 5 in one small classroom. During the school day teachers struggle to get the students’ attention with all the noise and other grade students in the class. Students are very cramped and often share one desk with two other students, which limits the interactive activities and work that can be done in the small, shared space. Although there is a lot of space on the school’s property the areas even with shade are still hot. Without antiquate covering the space outside is wasted.
Our Story
In order to provide the grades with more space and a quieter learning environment, Peer 2 Peer called a local building company. This company built a classroom shed under the shade of a large tree. Once completed this new shed allowed the students to spread out and take use of the outdoor space while still staying cool. Additionally, this made the whole teaching and learning experience smoother as less stress will be placed on the teachers without all the distractions.