Every year, couple of hundred thousand students take GCE(O/L) 10th grade standardized test conducted by the Sri Lankan Department of Education. This is a mandatory test for students to continue on the the GCE (A/L) 11th grade. Student prepare for these tests over many months by attending extra in school and out of school classes. Unlike students from large cities who has necessary means for private tutoring, students from Mullaitivu school district don’t have the means nor the teachers for additional in school or private tutoring.
Through Mr. Anbumani, who is our contact for schools in Mullaitivu school district, P2P arranged teachers to prepare sample GCE (O/L) Math and Science tests and conduct a mockup examination. During October and November 2019, P2P conducted mockup examination in multiple testing centers in Mullaitivu school district and over 1200 students participated. Teachers checked every test submission and provided a report card to students. Through these teachers, P2P also conducted post-test revision classes to go over the answers to help students learn and correct their mistakes.
The pictures below shows students taking mockup test at various testing centers.