Our Projects

June 25, 2024

Milk and Supplies for Students at Sivapuram Primary School

P2P had identified the Sivapuram Primary School in January of 2023 as a school that was in need of support. Last year P2P had funded a […]
June 29, 2023

Milk for Students at Sivapuram Primary School

In January 2023, P2P discovered Sivapuram Primary School, a rural institution located in Vavuniya, which had been significantly impacted by the economic turmoil. It was evident […]
June 29, 2023

Milk for Students at Katpakapuram Elementary School

During P2P’s recent book donation event in January 2023 at Katpakapuram Elementary School, the principal revealed an additional pressing need: the school required milk for its […]
June 29, 2023

Notebooks for Students at Katpakapuram Elementary School

P2P is dedicated to providing continuous support for underprivileged schools in Sri Lanka. Recognizing that many rural schools were facing a loss of government funding due […]

About our foundation

Our Mission

Peer 2 Peer Foundation is dedicated to supporting schools, teachers, and students in the impoverished areas of Sri Lanka through monetary support, books, supplies, and facility enhancements to enable education more accessible..

Our Vision

Peer 2 Peer was created with a vision that neither poverty nor neglect should impede youth from gaining access to education. Peer 2 Peer works to fill voids left in the path to education and successful graduation for many youths in the impoverished areas of Sri Lanka. Studies show that a high percentage of students from these areas never receive a high school diploma. For the students that do receive a high school diploma, very few go on to secure a college education or steady employment. Sadly, an alarmingly high percentage of youth in these areas end up in extreme poverty and have an insufficient level of education for reasonable employment. Peer 2 Peer is working with schools in Sri Lanka’s impoverished areas to assist with projects such as school supplies, constructing class rooms, providing drinking water and volunteer teacher remuneration.


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